Friday, 19 September 2008

Sustainable Ireland Awards, Part 2

Just wanted to put in this picture as well. The singers had the room swaying their arms in the air like they just didn't care. I thought it was funny seeing all the suits feeling slightly awkward, but getting into it at the same time.

Sustainable Ireland Awards

Went to another seminar yesterday. Well actually, it was an award ceremony. There wasn't any lectures to make it more like a seminar. Basically it was an excuse to get a free dinner. So the MC was Nula McKeever as you can see from the photo. She was very funny. Everyone got a slagging, including the Water Service. Then there were these singers that came in dressed as the staff. At first you're thinking, what's this guy doing interrupting things, and then you realise that it's an act when he starts singing.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008


Went to a seminar for work today. It was on a piece of legislation that will mean large public buildings will need to display an energy efficiency rating as of next year. I think our offices don't need one, because they aren't visited by the public. Stuff like schools, museums and offices that the public access regularly will need one however. Pretty boring stuff. Just something else that requires money to be spent. Energy assessors will need to come out each year to renew the certificates. They aren't too cheap either. Ah well. I suppose it creates new jobs and encourages energy efficiency.

Monday, 15 September 2008

129000 Miles

Well sorting out the previous test post was very simple. Now I think I have everything set up now to come to Nuncle Blog. Awesome.

Now, as you can see above, The Green Machine has clocked up 129000 miles, and is still going strong.

First Post

This is just a trial really to see how everything works out. I'm sending this from my phone you see. I don't know where this will end up. We shall see eventually.